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How to Check PSU Temp: A Complete Guide





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To check PSU temp, hold your hand in front of the fan on the rear section of your computer. Stick your hand by the PSU’s exhaust fan and if the air is coming out real hot, then it is likely overheating.

Why Monitoring Psu Temperature Is Important

The power supply unit (PSU) is a critical component of any computer system. It converts the AC power from your wall outlet into the DC power that your computer needs to operate. While most users focus on monitoring their CPU or GPU temperatures, monitoring the PSU temperature is equally important. In fact, it is essential for several reasons.

Keeping an eye on the PSU temperature is crucial to ensure that it is operating within the recommended temperature range. When a PSU runs too hot, it can result in efficiency loss and reduced performance. Over time, this can lead to the degradation of components and reduced lifespan of the PSU. By monitoring the PSU temp and taking necessary steps to keep it within the safe range, you can ensure optimal performance and extend the lifespan of your PSU.

Preventing Overheating And Potential Damage

Overheating is a significant concern when it comes to computer components, and the PSU is no exception. A PSU that operates at high temperatures for extended periods can cause the internal components to deteriorate, leading to instability and potential damage. By regularly monitoring the PSU temperature, you can identify if it is running too hot and take appropriate actions such as improving airflow or replacing the PSU if necessary, thus preventing overheating and potential damage to your computer system.

Maintaining System Stability

The PSU plays a vital role in providing stable power to all the components of your computer system. When the PSU runs at high temperatures, it can affect the stability of the power supply and consequently impact the stability of your entire system. Monitoring the PSU temperature allows you to detect any anomalies or overheating issues that might be causing power fluctuations and instability. By maintaining a stable PSU temperature, you can ensure that your system remains stable and reliable, minimizing the risk of crashes or abrupt shutdowns.

Hardware Tools For Checking Psu Temp

When it comes to monitoring the temperature of your PSU (Power Supply Unit), there are several hardware tools available that can help you keep an eye on its temperature levels. These tools provide real-time readings and ensure that your PSU is functioning within safe temperature limits. Let’s explore some of the most popular hardware tools for checking PSU temp:

Core Temp

Core Temp is a compact and efficient tool designed to monitor CPU temperature. While it primarily focuses on CPU temperature monitoring, it also provides information on other hardware components, including PSU. Core Temp displays accurate temperature readings, enabling you to assess the temperature levels of your PSU.


HWMonitor is another handy tool for monitoring hardware temperatures. It offers comprehensive temperature data for various components, including your PSU. With its user-friendly interface and reliable temperature readings, HWMonitor allows you to keep your PSU’s temperature in check.


HWiNFO is a powerful system information and monitoring tool that gives you detailed insights into your computer’s hardware. It provides real-time temperature readings for multiple components, including the PSU. HWiNFO’s accurate readings help you ensure that your PSU is operating at safe temperature levels.


SpeedFan is a popular tool known for its fan control capabilities. In addition to controlling fan speeds, it also provides temperature readings for various hardware components, including the PSU. With SpeedFan, you can easily monitor your PSU’s temperature and make necessary adjustments if required.


AIDA64 is a comprehensive system diagnostics and benchmarking tool that offers temperature monitoring for various hardware components. It provides accurate readings for your PSU’s temperature, allowing you to assess its performance and make informed decisions.


Speccy is a simple yet powerful tool that provides detailed hardware information, including temperature readings. It gives you real-time data on your PSU’s temperature, enabling you to monitor and maintain optimal temperature levels for your PSU.

Steps To Check Psu Temp

To check PSU temp, first, hold your hand in front of the fan on the rear section of your computer. If the air feels excessively hot, the PSU may be overheating. Another option is to use a thermometer on the outgoing air to measure the temperature.

Monitoring the temperature of your power supply unit (PSU) is crucial for ensuring its proper functioning and preventing any potential damage. While most PSUs do not come with built-in temperature sensors, you can easily check the PSU temp by following these simple steps:

  1. Shut Down Your Computer

    The first step is to shut down your computer completely. Ensure that it is turned off and disconnected from any power source.

  2. Disconnect The Power Supply From The Motherboard

    Next, you need to disconnect the power supply from the motherboard to ensure accurate temperature measurement. Carefully unplug the cables connecting the PSU to the motherboard.

  3. Use A Thermometer On The Outgoing Air To Measure Temperature

    With the power supply disconnected, position a thermometer at the back of your computer where the PSU fan vents the air. This will allow you to measure the temperature of the outgoing air and determine the PSU temp.

By following these steps, you can easily check the temperature of your PSU and ensure that it is operating within safe limits. Remember to take necessary precautions and seek professional help if you encounter any issues.

Tips For Monitoring Psu Temp

Learn how to check PSU temperature with these helpful tips. Hold your hand in front of the fan to feel the air output, or use a thermometer on the outgoing air to measure its temperature. Monitoring PSU temperature is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and preventing overheating.

Keep Your Power Supply Well-ventilated

Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining optimum operating temperatures for your power supply unit (PSU). PSU tends to generate heat during its operation, and without proper ventilation, the heat can build up, leading to overheating issues. Make sure to keep your PSU well-ventilated by ensuring there is enough space around it for air circulation.

Clean Dust And Debris Regularly

Dust and debris can accumulate over time and hinder proper airflow, resulting in increased temperatures. Regularly cleaning your power supply unit helps remove any dust or debris that might have accumulated on the PSU and its components, ensuring efficient airflow. To clean your PSU, gently use a can of compressed air or a soft brush to remove any dirt or dust particles.

Monitor Temperature Regularly For Any Abnormalities

Monitoring the temperature of your power supply unit on a regular basis is essential to identify any abnormalities or potential issues. Excessive heat can cause damage to the PSU and other components in your system. There are various software programs available, such as Core Temp, HWMonitor, HWiNFO, SpeedFan, AIDA64, and Speccy, that can help you monitor the temperature of your PSU and other hardware components.

Consider Upgrading To A Higher Wattage Psu If Necessary

If you notice that your power supply unit is consistently running at high temperatures or struggling to handle the power requirements of your system, it might be time to consider upgrading to a higher wattage PSU. A higher wattage PSU can provide more power and reduce the strain on your components, resulting in lower temperatures and better overall performance. Before upgrading, make sure to check the compatibility of the PSU with your system’s hardware.

How to Check PSU Temp: A Complete Guide

Credit: www.amazon.com

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Check Psu Temp

How Do I Check My Psu Temperature?

To check your PSU temperature, you can use monitoring software like Core Temp, HWMonitor, HWiNFO, SpeedFan, AIDA64, or Speccy. Most PSUs don’t have internal temperature monitors, so you may have to use a thermometer on the outgoing air to measure its temperature.

What Temp Should A Psu Be?

The temperature of a PSU should be measured by using a thermometer on the outgoing air. Most PSUs do not have internal temperature monitors.

What Is The Temperature Test For Power Supply?

To check the temperature of a power supply, use a thermometer to measure the outgoing air temperature. Most power supplies do not have internal temperature monitors, so this is the best way to determine the temperature.

How Do I Check My Psu Health?

To check your PSU health, you can use monitoring software like Core Temp, HWMonitor, HWiNFO, SpeedFan, AIDA64, or Speccy. Most PSUs do not have internal temperature monitors, so you may need to use a thermometer to measure the outgoing air temperature.

Alternatively, you can place your hand near the PSU’s exhaust fan and check if the air is very hot, indicating overheating.


To ensure the proper functioning of your PSU, checking its temperature is crucial. While most PSUs don’t have internal temperature monitors, you can use a thermometer on the outgoing air to measure its temperature. Additionally, you can check the PSU’s health by observing if the fan turns on when the PSU is turned on.

By monitoring and maintaining optimal temperature levels, you can prevent overheating and extend the lifespan of your PSU. So, keep an eye on your PSU temperature and take necessary steps to keep it in check.

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